Heart disease in India

India is counted among the highest numbers of heart patients in the world. According to the annual report published by the government of India, the number of heart patients in India has grown by 4.77 million in 2020 from 2.26 million in 1990. Stressful life, fatty foods, absence of physical workouts, and diabetes are the main causes behind the growing heart disease in India. Just like diabetes, lack of awareness is a bigger factor for such a huge number of heart patients in India. The majority of patients are diagnosed when their diseases have gone from primary stages to advanced stages. As we talked about lack of awareness; there is a very little number of people who go to the doctor for routine check-ups from time to time. Awareness about routine check-ups is done by a little number of people in urban centers of India, however; in rural India, the awareness about routine check-ups is almost zero. 

The underdeveloped health infrastructure of government hospitals is a very big cause of growing heart disease. In public sector hospitals; advanced medical equipment and well-trained doctors are not available as per the requirement. The conditions of public sector hospitals are very poor in rural India. Due to poor facility of medical services; people of rural India are forced to come to urban centers to get treated for their heart disease

Heart disease is a serious health issue in India, where a number of factors increase the risk of developing it. What you need to know about heart disease in India is as follows:

High Burden: The main cause of death in India is cardiovascular disease. It has an impact on people of all ages, from teenagers to the elderly.

Risk Factors: A number of risk factors, such as poor diets, physical inactivity, cigarette use, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels, are to blame for the increase in heart disease cases in India.

Rapid urbanisation and changing lifestyles have increased sedentary behavior, unhealthy diets consisting in processed foods, and a higher prevalence of risk factors including smoking and binge drinking.

India has a higher genetic predisposition than other genetic susceptibility to heart disease compared to some other populations. Certain genetic factors, such as lipid abnormalities and insulin resistance, contribute to the increased risk.

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