Diabetes in India

As we discussed diabetes in India that there are large numbers of patients with diabetes existing in India and India is called the global capital for diabetes. It is a challenge for all healthcare industries and governments to provide world-standard medical treatment to these patients. Diabetes is often called a silent killer, and this quote about diabetes is 100 per cent correct. Diabetes is such a disease that does not make early symptoms, therefore; the majority of patients are diagnosed when already existing diabetes in their body causes any big complication. 

Another aspect of diabetes is that it causes many co-diseases which are caused by uncontrolled blood sugar levels. When the sugar level in the blood means diabetes is out of control; it affects other vital organs of the body like kidneys, eyes, and hearts. Not only in India but across the world diabetes has been identified as one of the biggest causes of heart disease.

Congestive heart failure, Coronary heart disease, angina, valves of heart disorder and etc. are directly correlated with diabetes. Over time when the blood sugar level is more than prescribed the tiny particles of the heart start to get accumulated on the internal wall of the coronary artery that supplies oxygen and blood to the heart. Thus, we can say that diabetes is a direct threat to heart disease.  

India is experiencing an epidemic of diabetes, which is a serious health worry for the nation. The following are some crucial details about diabetes in India:

Prevalence: The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that 77 million adults in India had diabetes as of 2019. By 2030, this figure is anticipated to reach over 100 million, making India the nation with the greatest prevalence of diabetes worldwide.

Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes accounts for the majority of instances of diabetes in India, and it is mostly brought on by sedentary lifestyles, bad diets, obesity, and genetic susceptibility. Although type 2 diabetes often only affects adults, it is also increasingly impacting younger people.

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